Tuesday 19 April 2011


Day 1
I wake up at 5:30 AM in order to meet my team mate ON-TIME. Apparently, my journey to airport: 15 minutes walk from home to STAR ; 30 minutes STAR Train to LRT Train ; 15 minutes LRT Train to KL Central ; 60 minutes to LCCT Airport by couch. It was not complicated, right? Well this is Bolehland!!! We arrive KK Airport around 2 PM, the booked van pick us and send us to KK Park, Mersilau. Thunder storm was welcoming us at KK Park , Sutera Sanctuary Lodges after 120 minutes drive. We need to wear raincoat since none of us bring umbrella. Our restroom locates at almost oblique path. To go to canteen from our restroom is a good trial and exercise for us. Most of us become yellow-men and it looks like Digi Advert icon. The dinner, steamboat is consider good compare with following meals. We love the dining setting and environment. All of us are cheerful and charming before nightmare haunts us.

Day 2
A funny arrangement makes us bring our luggage to and fro within Sutera Sanctuary Lodges. The irresponsible mountain guides didn’t notify us the actual dropping luggage place. After a heavy breakfast and a nice group photos before departure, the adventure start!!! Our target is climbing 6.4 KM to the Laban Rata, 3,270 m (10,728 ft). Most people accomplish this part of the climb in 3 to 6 hours, I repeat most people but not me, and I spent 8 hours to arrive Laban Rata Lodges. Again, our restroom locates at almost oblique path. To go to canteen from our restroom is not a good trial but killing exercise for us. The KK Park management team charges us moderated high fees but can’t provide room heater and hot water shower for the tenants. Well this is Bolehland!!! I’m not able to rest as I suffer from altitude sickness. A little bee flying n buzzing in my mind…I took 2 tablets panadols and it doesn’t work. When I was told that I need to wake up at 1:30AM then have supper before start continue our journeys to hit the peak. The last 2 km (2600 ft), from the Laban Rata Resthouse at 3,270 m to Low's Peak (summit) at 4,095.2 m, most people takes between 2 and 4 hours. , I repeat most people but not me, and I spent 6 hours to arrive and take photos on the peak. The last part of the climb is on naked granite rock. All the negative thoughts swimming in my mind and tempting me to give up, I need to sit down and have 5 minutes break after 15 second hike. My body esp my feet is not belongs to me, only soul and mind pushing me move forward. At that moment, I truly understand 一步一脚印 (one step; one footprint). Nobody can rescue you except yourself. Anyhow; hurray!!! I managed to grab a photo with the peak’s sign!!! This means I will receive acknowledge certificate from KK Park management. For me, these 2 cerfs are more precious than my study graduation cerfs. After I return from Low’s Peak to Laban Rate Resthouse, my team mate inform me that I only have one hour to eat and rest before kick off the return journey. My face are becomes longest in my life and have not appetite to take breakfast. My lovely team mates are worried about me and voluntarily to take some food and drink for me even though they are tire too. At the end, I only consume few slices green apple and another 2 tablets panadols. Thanks God, I feel rejuvenate after 30 minutes break, and I manage to force myself to “ jumping down” to Timpohon Gate (located 5.5 km from Kinabalu Park Headquarters, at an altitude of 1866 m. Within 4 hours, I have completed the whole journey and the price is my toes nail become bruise and dark colour. I thank God that I can return to my normal life. On the same night, we celebrate our trip coordinator, Mr Len's b'day .

Day 3
Another 2 tablets of Panadols, we went and eat Pyramid shape chicken rice. It is normal chicken rice, nothing to mention.
Before end of my miserable and yet unforgettable sharing, I would like to honor all my KK team mates: Len ( trip coordinator), Ricky, Siew Fong, Avis (Headlight and hiking stick supplier), Sook Peng (snack bar supplier), Quuin, Kit(panadol supplier), Jerry and Chris. They inspire me to make this trip to be fruitful; their loving and care encourage and their joyness and laughs were overwhelming. Salute!
P/S I forget to include another KK team mate ( Rachel Yee Yee ) in honor list. Sorry YeeYee. Our return journey from Laban Rata to Timbohon Gate. is best part of KK hiking journey


Dorcas said... [Reply]

hahah!!! You're getting old!!!
I haven't climb yet. i hope one day i would. you must feel very proud that you manage to force yourself to finish the course!! Well done.