Saturday 14 February 2009

Valentine: True Love @ Commercial Opportunity

Sentimental Love: Mr.Valentine as a priest who refused an unattested law attributed to Roman Emperor Claudius II, allegedly ordering that young men remain single. The Emperor supposedly did this to grow his army, believing that married men did not make for good soldiers. The priest Valentine, however, secretly performed marriage ceremonies for young men. When Claudius found out about this, he had Valentine arrested and thrown in jail. On the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he wrote the first "valentine" himself, addressed to a young girl variously identified as his beloved.

No romantic elements are present in the original early medieval biographies .Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. Until 1969, the Catholic Church formally recognized eleven Valentine's Days. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae), Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae) and Valentine of the third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies (Africa) .

Hence, do u still insists to send or receive banquet of roses on Valentine's Day?

( all infor extract from wikipedia)

Thursday 12 February 2009

My 2006 Sharing_Mandarin Version

Many friends and relatives are questioning bout myself choose to be a Christian, I wish below sharing may answer ur curiosity. Re-read this 2006 sharing remind me the purpose of being a Christian, how to walk on this narrow road and speak out the TRUTH.


在某一晚的英语查经班,大家一起探讨人生,出现很多不同的结论。 例如:为家人,为将来的保障努力念书和工作。当听见基督徒说为主耶稣而活,心里很大的震撼。其中亦发现自己的人生观很消极和短暂。

感谢神每当我要离开他时,总让我能学习依靠他。在短短的两个星期,我面对失业和失去居所的问题。表面若无其事, 心理焦急的要死。感谢神的看顾, 两个星期后,所有问题迎刃而解。就像马太福音1926 耶稣看著他们说:在人这是不能的,在神凡事都能.

每周日定期来教会导致一些朋友误会我已是基督徒,我就好像一周一次思考与神的关系,自己常觉得很尴尬。当中发生了一件很有趣的事,某天买了双鞋子,两天再回去鞋店却发现同样的鞋已打折,很生气。心里越想越不忿,eh… 灵机一现,英国的售后服务不是很好吗?如不满意,一般都十四天原价奉还。只要我再去买同样的一双,却用之前的单据退还,不就能以打折后的价钱获得同样的一双。开始还沾沾自喜,后来却很不舒服,明白圣经里所提诡诈的心。耶利米179人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?感谢神让我有颗敏感罪的心,最终都没有实行这偷龙转凤的伎俩。坦白说,心里很害怕,觉得自己已变得不够狠,很难在这无情的社会生存。

有次去探望Maria 时,自己却哭得稀里哗啦。很怪吧?一个整七八年不曾流泪的我在个不熟的朋友面前哭。Maria应该被我吓倒。当时只觉得很幸福,我还有救,我并不是自己想象中的那么麻木不仁,冷漠无情。事后,我晓得是时候要认真思考。诗篇23章 尤其是2 节:他使我躺卧在青草地上,领我在可安歇的水边。大大的激励我走向主。

另一个英语查经班的夜晚,感谢神赐我勇气把隐藏在心里最黑暗的罪坦白诉说出来。过后,很长的时间,情绪起伏不定,心里无法平静。神的话语就像两刃的刀刺的我好痛。希伯来412神的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,甚至魂与灵、骨节与骨髓,都能刺入、剖开,连心中的思念和主意都能辨明。当时甚至埋怨神,我的躺卧在青草地上和可安歇的水边 去哪里了?


委身班好不容易一波三折上完了,心里不断的盘算着下一步如何走。私底下都有和上CT 的同学 商讨浸礼。我们一致认同浸礼非同小可,若没做好心理准备,清楚计算代价,倒不如自己在家泡暖暖的浴缸浴。这段期间,心里钢硬得无法想象。自己错觉本身就是撒种比喻里的第一种泥土,种子被飞鸟吃尽了。连牧师们牵领来到十字架面前的我都不肯认罪悔改。慢慢地,我连自己都无法相信自己,人心真的太诡诈。感谢神,让我在完全无法预料之下立下接受浸礼的决定。紧绷的神经立刻松解,心灵得到大大的释放。此后才真正明白圣经所提的自由加拉太51基督释放了我们,叫我们得以自由,所以要站立得稳,不要再被奴仆的轭挟制。

等候浸礼当中,坦白说,心里反反复复,吃龙肉都觉无味。但,感谢神,神不断地鼓励我。一个普通话查经班夜晚,重复念马太2027 里的不要疑惑,总要信!我知道这不是偶然,乃是神的眷顾。




Tuesday 10 February 2009


After Sunday service 01/02/2009, we have Lau sheng(捞生)ceremony.I like lau sheng game though seldom eat it. It enhances my chopsticks skill.

At night, another food gathering. The food is weird but the well-dressing increase my appetite.

End of CNY(元宵节),menu: steamboat a.k.a hot pot, chicken soup and 麻辣 spicy hot soup by rice cooker

Our beverage guru

I really appreciate and salute all the culinary expert,food providers and event co-ordinators.

Saturday 7 February 2009


This post purposely for non-Malaysian so that u may know deeper our unique Malaysian English (Manglish) :

Who says our English is teruk? Just read below - Ours is simple, short, concise, straight-to-the-point, effective etc.

Britons: I'm sorry, sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.

Malaysians: No stock.

Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone call for me a few moments ago?

Malaysians: Hello, who call?

Britons: Excuse me, I would like to get by. Would you please make way?

Malaysians: S-kew me.

Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?

Malaysians: (pointing at the door) Can ah?

Britons: Please make yourself right at home.

Malaysians: No need shy shy one lah!

Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.

Malaysians: Where got?

Britons: I would prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.

Malaysians: Don't want lah.

Britons: Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice? I'm trying to concentrate over here.

Malaysians: Shut up lah!

Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment..

Malaysians: Die lah!!

Britons: This isn't the way to do it. Here, let me show you.

Malaysians: Like that also don't know how to do!

Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me?

Malaysians: Celaka you!

Monday 2 February 2009

2009.01.29_Spiritual’s Cardiotonic

Tonight incidents remind me; our God is the mighty God. He controls everything! Nobody can escape from His reign. A kind and close aunt passed away after I met her two hours ago. I couldn’t accept this incident. Ever year, she makes joke with me and pretending scold me that I didn’t visit her on the 1st Day of CNY. This year, I visit her on 3rd Day of CNY; she is looking ok and invites me to have dinner with her together. When I return her home after receive a call from her family members, my tears are dropping. I can’t accept it. Human being is as fragile as Bible said Man is nothing but with a breath. We never know what’s happening in the next second. I must 100% commit my life into God’s hands no matters what is I facing. He is our only fortress, our only comforter and our only hope. May God consoles my aunt family members and have mercy upon my aunt. Peace to her soul.

Sunday 1 February 2009


Salute to Uncle Tai Zheng Leong to organize this marvelous primary school reunion dinner on 1st day of CNY. About 40 S. R. J. K. ( C ) Machap Umboo 1978 batch students attend this event.
Some of them have brought their spouse and children as well. I’m so touching n speechless when I meet these old buddies. Everyone is busy and living in different corners around the world, but they are willing to sacrifice the precious 1st Day of CNY in order to meet old gangs.
I knew most of the attendants might not able to read this article; from my bottom heart, I pray to God to bless them. I wish this reunion will carry on till we die on very CNY.


I feel fed up with all this greasy food. Pls allow me to show all this oily meals. Coincidentally, I found my grandpa name inlayed on a donate board.


On this busy day, I was helping my family to prepare Hakka cuisine à Bean curd dumpling “Yong To Fu, 酿豆腐”, we are enjoying to cook it. First, we need to chop the pork, mackerel, garlic and Chinese herbs powder into mince meats. After all, we cut the bean curd into two triangle shape portions. We slice the middle of the triangle bean curd then insert the mince meats in it. In fact, we are encourage to use our creativity and innovative to prepare this food with different kinds of vegetables such as bitter guard, giant chili, aubergine, lady finger etc. The cooking methodology is same aforementioned, we just simply need to dig a space in vegetables to insert mince into it. Finally, we can steam it @ deep fried it. To ease everyone on the first day of CNY, we deep fried all the products so that this ready cooked meal can easily serve.
At noon, I’m helping my sis to decorate our home. To save budget, all décor items are recycle used.

After having dinner, my best mate, Mr.Han requests me, a professional shopperholic to accompany him to buy CNY clothes. We went to Mahkota Parade, shopping mall to enjoy CNY shopping atmosphere. I saw an extremely odd notice in sport equipment retails shop. I have NO COMMENT of this eccentric notification. I’m sure foreign visitors’ minds are full of question marks when they see it.

To taste more CNY celebration circumstances, we decided to go to famous but crowded Jonker Street. It’s must-go tourist spot. For me, it is “Pasar Malam”, kind of common night market in South East Asia region. The Malaka district government and local Chinese community put tonnes of effort on this street. We can have local food (ball-alike-chicken rice), hand craft (wooden slipper), street music performer, and mature fellows dancing club, karaoke_ing and accessories stalls along the whole street. I have to admit that this Jonker Street is the best night out place for tourist!

As a so called gastronomist, I won’t miss “Satey Celup” (Celup means dip in Malay language). This soup’s ingredients are unique and complex (groundnuts, herb, beans and etc). We just simply throw all the meat@veg stick in the boiler. This meal is must-eat-Melaka-style-steamboat (打边炉).

Wow… so many local English terms…
Don’t ask me why, I rather show you when you visit me in Melaka.

Guess, what is this?


This 4am early morning, I accompany a mate for EYE OPERATION in a partially closed type clinic which located in residential area. Sorry for couldn’t reveal the exact clinic address. Many patients were sitting, sleeping, chatting, reading and waiting nightlong in front of the clinic entrance once we arrived. We are successfully to get No.14 out of 25 seats self-reservation. In waiting time, I hear a lot of sharing regard this mystificatory Dr. The sharing topic is bizarre, mythos-like healing process and couldn’t explain by present scientific knowledge.
I’m pretending as my mate’s relative in order to allow myself to see with my own naked eyes. The clinic hall was compartmentalizes become five wards by thin layer board. I am standing closely beside the door when my mate entre the ward. Without any anesthetic, my mate is chit-chat happily with the whiz Dr. during the operation. I can hear their conversation clearly. A nurse invites me to enter the room without any sanitize precaution, I were SHOCK the moment I see my mate energetically lying on the operating table, his eye lid was shear-out to exsanguinate useless gore. Inconceivably, the eye ball is moving actively. The whiz Dr. has explained to me bout patient’s condition and showed me the gore. My mind is empty and keep observe the whole scenario. Believe it or not, this operation is only takes 15 minutes. My mate is act as normal as he is. He doesn’t look like a-just-went-operation-patient.

What can I describe is WOW…WOW…WOW

In my inner heart, I do believe miracle healing as Lord, Jesus Christ has shows his mercy and heals human beings either physical or spiritual ways.


We spend more than one hour to gather all members from various places before we are heading to Malaysia Bible School (MBS). As a result, we are late on this sunny day. In fear and trembling, I witnessed four friends to become siblings in Christ. I really want to send my sincere congratulations to them for their bravery to step forward to accept God in their life. May the Lord grant them the DISCERNMENT in their spiritual life. I’m begging the Lord, Jesus Christ continue guiding them walk in the TRUTH till the end of the days.