Wednesday 2 November 2011

2011.11.02 What a tough Day

To deal with an indecisive superior is tough job, I was end up in the midst without direction. If u implement it, u need to bear the whole responsibilities by your own limited authority; if u postpone/delay it, u need to clean your back coz everyone will backstabbing u without any protection. Hahahaha....
Indeed, I'm enjoying such working environment. We never know what will happen the next second, your lovely colleague might send a nasty email to the whole world regard your work. The day after tomorrow, we still go out lunch together and "share" our working problems. Well, I never blame them coz he/she has his/her own duty or point of perspective in order to "defense" his/her department's benefit. Sometimes, we do feel tire and lazy to entertain such lovely colleague but we spend more than 8 hours per day under same roof. The only thing i could cheer up myself is : dun bother, be calm.
To argue with direct superior is the most foolish action which I did this early morning. I need to upgrade my EQ level in order to survive in this violent-corporate world.

Time to have a piece of free Bday cake in office. My coll said I'm look like old uncle from 70's.


Dorcas said... [Reply]

what a tough day indeed.
but at least, you have a lot of cakes at work!!

哥仔靓康 said... [Reply]


Xav_Kim said... [Reply]


Yes, appreciate whatever we earn. God is good, He needs I need some desserts ( Low Fat Cake)to comfort me.

Xav_Kim said... [Reply]


Dorcas said... [Reply]

doesn't look low fat to me!! Haha, that's why after so many cakes, perhaps not a good idea to take close up photos!! haha!
Hope you enjoy today's working. tomorrow is Friday! TGIF!!